Day #4662 (Tue., Oct. 11, 2022) – Dead Battery!

I felt well enough this morning to take Bobby to school.  It’s starting to get “nippy” outside.  Fall is here.

After dropping Bobby off I went to the COVID testing site on Homestead (see photo to the left).  It was in a kinda interesting room towards the back of the main building.  The seats in the room were set up in a courtroom type atmosphere.  Kind of makes you wonder what this room was used for in pre-COVID days.

I made an apple crisp this morning for a change.  I usually make cherry cobbler, but I picked up a sugar-free apple pie filling at Food Lion the other day so I thought that I would try it out.

I went to pick Bobby up this afternoon and my car battery was dead.  We texted Ethan’s dad and he is going to keep Bobby with him and Ethan till my wife can pick them up.  They will play in the playground at Glenwood, which Bobby will love.

This evening Bobby, Katie, and I went outside to practice throwing the ball around.  Katie said that she realizes that people are better in gym class than she is and she wants to rectify it.  Where does she get her basketball skills?  Not from me.  Bobby was more interested in riding his bike than throwing the ball around.  Maple of course is ONLY focused on fetching a tennis ball.

I waited till close to midnight this evening for AAA to arrive to pick up the Camry to take it to Lloyd’s Tire.  Long story, but suffice it to say that there was a comedy of errors on AAA’s part.  Why is it so hard to get anything done these days?