Day #4702 (Sun., Nov. 20, 2022) – Bobby’s Sore Jaw

I went to Aldi this morning to pick up groceries.  We are out of milk, and need some food for the kids, but we need to make sure that we will be getting a turkey for Thanksgiving and Arnesa and her family are coming over.

Bobby was really eager to go skating this afternoon, so I took the kids (see photo to the left).  Soon after we arrived Bobby complained that his jaw was hurting.  So much so in fact that we soon left and headed home.  On the way home Bobby was crying in the back seat in pain.  When he got home my wife gave him some Tylenol and off to bed he went.

When Bobby got up he was fine for a while, but soon started complaining that his jaw hurt.  This time it was closer to his ear so we think he has an ear infection.  We will take him to the doctor tomorrow to find out for sure.

We are out of drinkable yogurt, and Bobby was requesting some.  Since I didn’t pick up any this morning at Aldi, I went to Harris-Teeter this evening.  I also picked up some Brie from France for my wife.  I should have checked the price as it was over $15!  Ouch!