Day #4705 (Wed., Nov. 23, 2022) – Alexa Games

When I woke up this morning the kids said that they wanted Chick-Fil-A for lunch, so off I went…  My wife and I opted to make our own lunch at home to save money.  While we munched away we watched the movie “Disenchanged”, the sequel to “Enchanted” movie with Amy Adams that came out 2008 or so.

I found a number of Alexa games that Bobby could play.  We all ended up enjoying them.  Some of the most popular ones are:

  • 20 Questions
  • Song Quiz
  • Escape Room
  • Hide & Seek

Katie and I watched some videos on goat yoga this evening.  Katie thought the whole concept of having yoga with goats was a joke till I showed her these videos.

You can see Maple all wrapped up with a “snuggy” and her otter pillow and ready for bedtime in the photo to the left.

Alas, Katie has “pink eye” this evening.  She obviously got it from Bobby.  Just one more thing…