Day #4729 (Sat., Dec. 17, 2022) – Violin/Viola Christmas Concert

The kids had their concert at Miss Patricia’s house this morning (see photo to the left).  Both Katie and Bobby did a great job, and we rewarded them with lunch out afterwards.  Katie wanted Chick-Fil-A, so we stopped by to get her a meal, and then to Subway for a sub for Bobby.  They couldn’t decide between the two so we got both.

This afternoon I drove out to Durham to get a new violin for Bobby as he had outgrown the other one.  My wife thinks that the case is rather flimsy, and will not protect it when we go back and forth from class, and busking, so I might need to go back and get another one.

Later this afternoon my wife and I went into the basement to figure out what to do with the old electronics.  We have someone coming on Monday to look at the “apartment” we are making out of the basement.  If she doesn’t like it we are thinking of getting a travelling nurse to lodge with us.

This evening Bobby and I made some paper airplanes and tried them out in the front yard.  We put a paperclip on the front of the one he made in Mr. Yang’s class yesterday, and we also made a large one out of bristol board.  The brisol board bone needed some duct tape to keep the fuselage together, and a stick on top to keep the wings up.  After that it flew much better.