Day #4799 (Sat., Feb. 25, 2023) – Bobby’s First Twinkie

My wife went to a consignment sale early this morning and picked up a Razor scooter for Bobby for $10.

My wife took Katie to see “River Dance” so I decided that I would have Daddy/Son Day #62 with Bobby.  We have been talking about watching the Spiderman movie that showcases the origin story of Spiderman, so today is the day!

We ended up at Walmart near Pittsboro first as I told Bobby I would buy him some Pokemon cards.  He also picked up a Nerf gun (see photo to the left).  While at Walmart I picked up some Froot Loops, the dumplings that Katie loves, some donuts, Twizzlers, and Nerds.  Next up, McDonalds where Bobby got his usual two cheeseburger meal and an ice cream to eat on the way home.

When we got home Bobby organized his Pokemon cards in his binder and tried out his Nerf gun, and then it was movie time!  We watched “Spiderman 1” with Toby McQuire on the television in the bedroom.  The good thing about watching a movie on television as opposed to a movie theater is that you can relax and pause and talk about the plot.  In this movie Bobby got to see how Spiderman initially started wrestling to make some money…

I had some Twinkies that I picked up the other day, so Bobby got to try his first Twinkie this afternoon.  He didn’t care for it.  My wife and Katie hate them as well.  I don’t care for them much anymore but loved them as a child.  What are we going to do with the box of them?

This is definitely the way to watch movies with Bobby.  We stopped and started the movie three times so that he could take a break and play with his gun and see his Pokemon cards.  He did say that he felt movies were too long, so this is a way for him to consume them.

My wife and Katie liked “River Dance”, but they were mostly amazed by the violinist on stage, who danced about as she played.  There is talk of all four of us going to see “The Lion King” when it comes in a few months.