Day #4824 (Wed., Mar. 22, 2023) – First In Line!

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning.  I asked him about the three things he wanted in the “near future”.  He said:

  • Shop
  • Go Kart
  • Go Camping

I was first in line picking Katie up this afternoon (see photo to the right).  My wife needed the van as she was taking Bobby to violin class this afternoon, so Katie “gave her permission” to pick her up in the Camry.  I don’t think my 1995 Camry looks that bad, but as Katie would say “This is from a dad’s point of view”.

In violin class this evening Bobby started off fussy but soon calmed down and “got to business”.  It’s too bad that we can’t somehow skip over the “fussy stage”…  It would make live easier for everyone.

Bobby asked me if he can have a pocket knife tonight.  I did some research and many think that eight years old is a good time for a boy to have his first pocket knife.  I think I’ll hold off a bit till we get to Canada.