Day #4839 (Thu., Apr. 6, 2023) – Spit Wind Surfers!

The kids had a wonderful nights sleep (see photo to the left).  Katie loves to “sprawl out”!

We had breakfast at “The Hen & Hog”, which is attached to our motel. It’s been voted by many as the best breakfast in Courtenay and it was great.

My wife and I left the kids at home to play video games and took a tour around Courtenay and Comox without Amanda.  We were gone so long that Katie texted us at one point to make sure we were okay.

We saw a couple of deer in the front yard of one house. We also drove past the Costco in Comox.

Before we went back to the hotel we drove to Cumberland and toured around a bit. Cumberland is a mining town and there is not much more than a main street in terms of businesses.

I picked up KFC for lunch.

After a nap we took the kids around Courtenay and Comox for another tour. We drove out to “Goose Spit” and got to see the wind surfers in action in the rain and wind. We also drove by the airport.

Just before we went home we stopped off at Thrifty Foods for some snacks. My wife wanted an apple pie, so we picked up one of these and some butterscotch ripple ice cream as well. I asked a lady about Vachon cakes and she said that she picked them up somewhere in Courtenay but was not sure exactly where… Next up? An iced lemonade at Tim Hortons’ for Katie.

My wife decided not to go to the pool with Bobby this evening as we are all feeling under the weather. She made him a nice hot tub in the hotel room and he was fine.