Day #4840 (Fri., Apr. 7, 2023) – Seal Bay!

We had Tim Horton’s for breakfast this morning! We then drove to Seal Bay to “hopefully” see some seals. No such luck, but there were a lot of people there walking their dogs!

We invited Amanda out for dinner this evening, but she already had plans with her other friends to go out and have Easter dinner. Some other time.

This evening I went to Thrifty Foods where I picked up a couple of rib dinners for my wife and I. I also picked up some Vachon cakes (see photo to the right), which I finally found… They don’t seem to be as popular here on the west coast as they are on the east coast.

The kids didn’t like the Vachon cakes as much as I thought they would.  They gave just an “okay” on both the Jos Louis and caramel cakes!  Funny, after all these years, I just realized that the Jos Louis cakes are in fact red velvet cake covered in chocolate!

The kids wanted to sleep together for the past couple of days so my wife and I let them.  Not tonight though!  I had a long drive tomorrow and I need my sleep.  I’m back to sharing the bed with Bobby as my wife and I don’t have enough room in the “marshmallow trampoline bed”.