Day #4866 (Wed., May 3, 2023) – “Mini” Ruth
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I drove Bobby to school this morning. Along the way we noticed a car with a lot of smoke coming out of the exhaust. I explained to Bobby that this could be due to oil burning. This lead to a discussion about how oil could burn, and the importance of gaskets and the wasted $ and such. Bobby asked me why I knew so much and I said that this is because I am curious about all kinds of things. I encouraged him to be the same, and if he didn’t understand something ask, read, or Goggle about it (who knows, soon they will be ChatGBTing about it). I went on to add that being a hard worker is far more important than being intelligent, similar to the parable about the tortoise and the are.
I picked up Bobby at the bus stop this afternoon. The bus riding app is not working so I need to be sure that I am at the stop on time or they will leave without dropping Bobby off. When the bus started to leave “Mini” Ruth stuck her head out the window of the bus and said hi to me. Bobby said that she is a kindergartener and jumps on him. Friendly little girl. Maybe yet another of Bobby’s girlfriends?
Bobby and Katie were really into the bacon this evening. They devoured a whole package and when Bobby asked for more I cut up some slices of ham and cooked them up in the air fryer (see photo to the right). Bobby devoured these. He said that he likes the salty taste of bacon. Sure does…
Just before bed tonight Bobby shared a problem that he was having with Lucia and Shadrack at Spence’s Farm. Lucia and Shadrack don’t like each other, but each likes Bobby. Bobby has to split his time and try to please both kids.
This evening Katie and I watched some YouTube videos on artificial intelligence. Apparently IBM has hired freezing on their “back office jobs” and expects that ChatGPT will mean that they can get rid of 30% of them in the near future. It certainly is interesting and potentially challenging times.