Day #4891 (Sun., May 28, 2023) – Bobby’s Peacock Painting

It’s been raining all day.  Such a “wet” Memorial Day weekend here in North Carolina.  To think of all those people who rented cabins on the coast hoping to enjoy the nice sunny weather…  Not to be this year…

Bobby has been doing a paint-by-number of a peacock (see photo to the right) while his mother does one of Butchard Gardens in Victoria.

Katie was playing an online game today and who should appear and send her a hello, “Dylan”!  Dylan was her friend from elementary school who went “missing”.  Apparently he went to Hawaii and never told Katie, so when he didn’t respond to her messages she thought he was not interested in being friends anymore.

I went to Aldi for groceries this afternoon as we are out of milk.  I picked up some White Castle chicken burgers in the frozen section as Katie loves them so much.  Instead of lunch today Bobby wanted some drinkable yogurt, so I handed those to him as well.

Katie did quite a bit of math and English homework today.  She is still dreading going back to school.  At least tomorrow is a holiday.

As Bobby was going to bed this evening he commented on how soft his toothbrush was.  Interesting observation to make and comment on…  He’s so observant…