Day #4916 (Thu., June 22, 2023) – The Little Mermaid

We were out of milk, and Katie expressed a desire for a non-chicken burger for lunch, so I went to Aldi for some groceries.  When I got home Katie makes her own chicken burger, and loved it.

Katie and I decided to have Daddy/Daughter Day #133 today.  We started off at Michael’s where she purchased a pink book to draw in.  We then went to Silver Spot to see the movie “The Little Mermaid” (see photo to the right).  I picked up large tub of popcorn and a large soda for Katie which cost almost as much as the two movie tickets!  As we were leaving the attendant said that there were free refills.  This turned out to be a good deal as I went back to get the popcorn tub refilled 1/2 way through the movie.

Soon after I got back an old woman came to sit down beside me.  I asked if we were sitting in her seats but she said no.  She had that “cigarette smell” so she must have been a smoker.  That smell wafted over to me and it kind of ruined the last half of the movie to me.

At martial arts camp today they took the kids to the Marbles Museum in Raleigh.  They also watched the movie “Boss Baby”.  There was no time to do any martial arts training today, which I thought was kind of odd.

While at Aldi this morning I picked up a box of Snicker’s ice cream bars and they were gone by this evening!  The kids, and even my wife, love them!