Day #4918 (Sat., June 24, 2023) – “Fluid” Vegetarian

The photo to the right shows the sock puppet that Bobby created yesterday in arts & crafts camp.

I made toast for Bobby this morning…the first time that he has ever had it.  Peanut butter and jam were the toppings he liked it!  I also made some turkey bacon and he was all over that!

As far at Bobby’s vegetarian diet, it appears that it is “fluid”…meaning that for now it looks like no red meat.  He did after all have a turkey sub at Subway yesterday.

I started to teach Bobby about compound interest this afternoon.  I need to come up with a great example in order to impress him with the power of it!

My wife took Bobby to the Clark Pool this evening.  It appears that little thieves have appeared this year.  They will try to go through your belongings while you are swimming and taking what they need.  What a mess.

Katie is starting to worry about Spence’s Farm.  Her mind is going wild with things like “what if there is nobody there my age”.  I will have to talk to her about it tomorrow and try to formulate a plan to get her mind under control.  One good way to do this is to go through a series of “What’s the worst that can happen” series of questions.