Day #4944 (Thu., July 20, 2023) – Visiting Arnesa’s School

The whole family went to see Sharon this morning.  After talking for a bit my wife, Bobby, and I went to the living room so that she could talk to Katie alone.  The photo to the left shows Sharon’s dogs.

After visiting Sharon we went to see Arnesa’s new school building that she is cleaning up in preparation for the new school year.

I needed to go to Aldi this afternoon as we were out of milk.  While there I load up on a bunch of other supplies.  I even went next door and got some ping pong balls from the Dollar Store.

My wife took Bobby to the Clark Pool later today for a swim with Ethan.  When Bobby got back he drank the whole dozen drinkable yogurts that I picked up at Aldi this afternoon.  He’s going to be a teenager soon and eating us out of “house and home” like the saying goes.

Regarding the novel that Katie has been working on, here’s her plot summary so far:


Thalia Doven, an eighteen year old girl moves into the quiet town of Fort Phyllis with her mother, after her parents recent divorce. She doesn’t know what there is to like about a small town, and she isn’t that excited.

Plot Point One

At her new school, she meets Rowan Hunt, who has something off about him, but she can’t quite figure it out. Rowan can influence others to do what he wants with his talent, and the only exception is Thalia. He was sent by the Mind to bring her to them, and pretends to fall in love with her in order to do so. 

Pinch Point One

However, Rowan realizes that he has actually fallen in love with Thalia. This makes him panic, and he leaves to get the help of Akasha (another member of the Mind), who can read minds. Thalia then spends a lonely week missing Rowan. When Rowan and Akasha return to Fort Phyllis, Rowan starts to ignore Thalia. Thalia, not knowing who Akasha is (or her relation to Rowan), befriends her, but she can’t fill the void that Rowan put in her heart.


Eventually, Thalia is fed up with Rowan’s cold shoulder, and she confronts him. He ends up telling her his former plan, but how he actually fell in love and left the Mind. Thalia, who is now very hurt, tells him to leave her alone. Akasha and Rowan both start to ignore her, which actually makes Thalia feel even worse. 

Final Pinch Point

Not too far after, however, Akasha and Rowan talk to Thalia and tell her that the Mind thinks she is a threat, and they have to prove her innocence before they do something rash. They take a plane that Akasha’s girlfriend (Claudia) stole, and they head off to meet Rowan and Akasha’s family. There, Thalia meets Faye, who becomes her best friend later on. The family promises to help them if something goes wrong while meeting the Mind. 

Final Plot Point

When they reach the Minds base, The mind wants to use his talent (he can give out electric shocks) on Thalia, but Rowan protests. They then have a dramatic fight scene (boom boom pow grrr boom), until Rowan’s family interferes. 


They then stop, resolve the situation with the Mind, and head home. To Thalia’s surprise, Rowan’s family moves to Fort Phyllis as well. Rowan and Thalia live there happily ever after, and the end.