Day #4983 (Mon., Aug. 28, 2023) – First Day! Active Shooter!

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning in my clean Camry while my wife dropped Katie off at Phillips.  Bobby is entering 3rd grade and Katie is entering 8th grade.

Bobby’s class is in the trailer shown in the photo to the right.  He was telling me that he can’t just go to the trailer, he has to go through the school to get to it.  Probably has to deal with the check in process, or perhaps because the trailer is in front of the drop off area and they want to keep the kids away from the cars.

Just before I went to pick up Bobby at the bus stop we learned that there was an active shooter incident at UNC.  All Chapel Hill schools locked down in place, so nobody left school till later this afternoon after they caught the shooter.  My wife was in line at Phillips for quite a while till they let the students out.  So late in fact that she was able to pick up Bobby at the bus stop as well.  Apparently they kept the kids in the dark as to why they were being kept late.

I made some “air fryer” bread from the dough I made yesterday and let rise overnight.  My wife and Katie loved it.  Bobby said that it was “kinda okay, but not really”.  I made sure to cut the crust off before I gave it to the kids as it was quite thick.  Katie actually asked for more!  I will have to make some more as the whole loaf was gone before long.

Katie met a new friend at Phillips today.  Her name is Cecily and she came to Phillips due to bullying in a private school.  She is very outgoing and wrote a letter to President Biden, and he replied back to her.  While eating lunch she pointed out another girl nearby who was sitting alone and they included her in their lunch as well.