Day #4991 (Tue., Sept. 5, 2023) – First In Line

The Simply Safe alarm went off at 1:25 am this morning.  It was loud, so I was surprised that I was the only person who heard it.  I thought that the whole house would be up.  I got a call from Simply Safe and went to the panel to shut the alarm off.  I asked them why it went off and they said it was a fire alarm.  Since there was no fire, and they said that it could be due to dust and such…  Hmmm…

On the drive to Glenwood this morning Bobby and I talked about the concept of trailers attracting tornados.  I explained to him that this started from the simple fact that it is trailers, and not houses with basements, that suffer the most damage when a tornado comes to town.  As we were stopped at a traffic light my engine started humming and I said it sounded like a cat under the motor.  This introduced the topic of horse power.  Bobby told me that he enjoys being in a trailer this year as he has never lived in a trailer before.

I stopped off at Trader Joe’s this afternoon to pick up supplies.  I got six containers of the tortellini that the kids like.  I also got a couple of packages of slivered almonds for my wife.  They were out of those little tubs of yogurt yet again, but I did get some drinkable yogurt.

There are blue balloons on the mailbox next to our house (see photo to the right), so it looks like they have had a baby boy!

I picked up Katie at Phillips this afternoon.  I was FIRST in line, despite having left 5 minutes after when my wife usually leaves the house.  On the way home Katie told me that Cecily came to school today.  Despite the fact that her brother tested positive for COVID she thinks she does not have it.  There is a good chance we will all have it in a day or so.

I picked up Bobby at Spence’s Farm this evening.  He was playing UNO with a boy when I arrived.  On the drive home he said that he still wants me to come early and pick him up as his friends leave earlier this year.  Depending on how much earlier I need to pick him up we might consider whether it is a wise use of money for him to go to Spence’s Farm this year.

This evening my wife decided to join Katie in the art course she is taking since it’s not live.  They worked on the “doodling” assignment together this evening.