Day #5003 (Sun., Sept. 17, 2023) – Bobby’s First Pie?

I took Bobby to Duck Donuts this afternoon for Daddy/Son Chat Day #3.  As soon as we walked into the store the owner remembered us and asked Bobby “Are you ready to work?” as this is what we chatted about during our last visit.

We saw a cold drink machine in the store during our last visit, so Bobby had a chocolate milk and a maple bacon donut (see photo to the right) during today’s visit.  I got a coffee with some almond milk. We were going to mention to the owner that she should move the drink machine to the front of the store so that people will see that they can purchase these items as well, and mention them on the menu in the counter area as well, but she was busy attending to the other customers.

While Bobby munched on his donut, and I sipped on my coffee, we talked about the “Law of Attraction” and manifesting and I was surprised that Bobby understood the principles pretty well. I guess I have been mentioning that I have been watching videos on this and trying to figure the process out.

On the way home we stopped off at Wegman’s as my wife is feeling a cold coming on and wanted some orange juice.  Bobby mentioned today that he has never had pie, which I’m sure is not correct, so I picked up an apple pie for him to try as well.

As we were checking out of the store the lady at the check out machines, Inie, was very helpful to us, so on the drive home I called up the store manager and mentioned this to him.  He mentioned that they have an employee incentive program and would tell Inie that I called.  Bobby asked if this means she will get a raise or a promotion.  I replied, could be…  I want him to realize that you should be thankful for all the things you get and the people who help you out.

I was thinking of taking Katie out this evening for a Daddy/Daughter Chat Day, but Katie was not feeling well, and it started to rain, so I did not.  Katie is really hoping to go to school tomorrow so she can see Cecily.