Day #5020 (Wed., Oct. 4, 2023) – Dirt n Worms Donut

It’s Wednesday, and time for yet another Teacher Work Day! So both kids are home today.

Bobby talked back to his mother last night so he is banned from the iPad. When she was at the gym this morning he snuck into her room to sneak in some iPad time, so “more ban”.

This afternoon I took Bobby out to Duck Donuts for Daddy/Son Chat Day #4. Our first stop was a scooter run at the Church parking lot down the street.

At Duck Donuts they had some Halloween donuts out for a short time. Bobby enjoyed a “Dirt n Worms” donut and a milk (see photo to the right). He had already devoured the worm before I took this picture. He wanted another milk after this, so I obliged. It was at this point that I noticed that this tiny milk is $1.70, which is almost the cost of the donut. I could get a gallon of milk at Aldi for the $3.40 it costs for two of these tiny milk!

On the way home we stopped off at the Parkline Building (which used to house Blue Cross & Blue Shield Insurance) parking lot for another scooter run. Bobby noticed the odd shape of the roof and thought that they were solar panels, which they sure do look like.

While we were at both parking lots today Bobby picked up some acorns. This evening he utilized them to made a little baby sleeping in a bed.

Katie was having an online French lesson when we got home. Her mother sat in with her.

My wife is preparing for her teaching experience at Bobby’s school tomorrow. She will be teaching fractals, which are geometric shapes that are self-similar across different scales.