Day #5031 (Sun., Oct. 15, 2023) – 24 Cans!

I am in the market for 24 cans of vegetables, as with this we can get into the NC State Fair for free as a family. I initially stopped off at Food Lion, but they want about a dollar a can, so the clear winner in terms of “cheap” cans is Aldi (see photo to the right) at $0.64 each.

Bobby has a “makeup” soccer game this afternoon. Instead of Southern Village, we went to the baseball field in Homestead Park. This was where they had the “one ring” circus a few years ago.

At the break I gave Bobby a soccer tip. When someone is giving a free throw he needs to get in a place free from others and wave his arms so that the guy throwing the ball can see him. He did a great job at this, but as a follow up on the way home I told him that once the opposing team sees he is open and waving his arms they will select someone to cover him, so he has to keep moving and try to go to a place where nobody is. He’s getting it…

The kids are feeling better, so hopefully they will both be able to go to school tomorrow.