Day #5047 (Tue., Oct. 31, 2023) – Halloween Night

Both kids are home sick again today so it looks like no Halloween “Trick or Treating” tonight. Bobby has been keeping a bowl next to him in case he throws up and Katie said that her tonsils hurt and her ears too. Fun, fun, fun…

I made a cheese pizza for the kids this afternoon. That always seems to be a winner!

My wife drove out to Raleigh this afternoon to get a specialist to take a look at her sore jaw. She was gone for a couple of hours but back in time for the kids, who decided that they felt well enough to go trick or treating.

We dropped Katie off at her friend’s house so that they could trick or treat around the Piney Mountain Road area. She dressed up as the “Mad Hatter” from Alice in Wonderland (see photo to the right). Her other friends dressed up as other Alice in Wonderland characters to keep up with the theme.

We then drove Bobby over the Meadowmont area so that he could join Ethan during his trick or treating in that area. Ethan dressed up as Harry Potter this year and Bobby was the “Grim Reaper” again, same as last year (see photo to the right). I parked the van to wait for the signal that Bobby was tired and wanted to go home. On the way home he gave me a Kit Kat from his “Trick or Treat” bag and we talked about how Kit Kats are very popular in Japan.

Later in the evening I drove back to the Piney Mountain Road area to pick up Katie after receiving her text.