Day #5053 (Mon., Nov. 6, 2023) – Katie’s Canadian Citizenship

I took Bobby to school this morning. His arm is sore as he fell on it while skating yesterday. I told him that the good side of this is that he protected his head. This lead us into a conversation about concussions and how Eric Hernandez possibly became a killer because of all the concussions he took on the football field. We also talked about “planned obsolescence” and how manufacturers purposefully make cars that won’t last so you will have to buy a new one.

I picked up Katie after school today as well. I was first in line (see photo to the right). On the drive home we talked about school issues, and she mentioned how she likes nachos. I will have to pick up Cheez Whiz the next time I’m at Harris Teeter.

Bobby went to Spence’s Farm after school today. All his friends left early so he was the only one there when his mother picked him up at 5:45 pm. Ethan called to play online as soon as he got home.

We got an email from the Canadian official on Vancouver Island who is helping us take care of Katie’s Canadian Citizenship paperwork. She happily informed us that it has been taken care of and is in the mail. Heaven knows why we got Bobby’s paperwork months ago and it took till now to get Katie’s, especially since they were mailed away in the same envelope.