Day #5140 (Thu., Feb. 1, 2024) – New Stripe

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning and then went to get my allergy shot. It was cold outside when we got into the car and we each cleared the frost off the car windows with a credit card.

I picked up Bobby at the bus stop this afternoon around 3:20 pm (see photo to the left). There were two extra students on the bus who lived “out of the way” of the normal bus route, so Bobby had quite a ride. He likes bus rides, so he was fine with that. He told me that he had a chicken burger for lunch, and that they learned to program a robot in STEAM class today.

I found the video of the Israeli yoga instructor who stayed safe from the October Hamas attack by meditating and sent it to Katie. She had not listened to it by this evening, but it’s on her “todo” list.

My wife took Bobby to martial arts class this evening. Bobby got his first stripe since the last testing. He will not have enough stripes to test for his next belt level in a week or so, so we’ll have to pass on this opportunity. Master Joe has a different “Stripe” method from Master Choi it would appear.