Day #380 (Tue., Jan. 18, 2011) – My Wife’s Two Wins
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I called up my wife as I left work and she said that Katie was sleeping so she might do the same. When I got home both she and Katie were sleeping so I had the place to myself for a while. It’s good that my wife could nap as Katie is tending to stay up til midnight these days (Win #1).
The photo to the right shows Katie’s toy computer (for lack of a better term). It really doesn’t compute much, but is does make all kinds of various noises when buttons are pushed. See the saxophone button at the top right of the keyboard area? Katie loves the saxophone sound that is produced. She also likes the piano button that is two buttons directly below it. She is fascinated with the sound of the duck, but as you have to push the button to the side rather than push it, she can’t generate the sound by herself just yet.
Katie was still sleeping when my wife woke up. I made dinner…”beef, peas, mushrooms and mushroom soup on toast” (my own concoction). After we both finished eating Katie woke up, so that’s another win (Win #2) for my wife. She says it’s amazing how as soon as she starts to eat Katie will wake up and put an end to it.
1) Katie loves her little toy computer.