Day #5214 (Mon., Apr. 15, 2024) – Strawberry Season!

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning and then drove to Panera for my morning brew. The place was practically empty! My wife texted me that Katie was still in bed, and that she was going strawberry picking (see photo to the right).

When I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning Ariana met him and they walked together into the school. Bobby told me later in the day that she used to go to Spence’s Farm last year, and they got to know each other on the shuttle.

I managed to pack up the onyx chess set that I got in Mexico way back in 1986. It was already broken when I shipped it down from Canada, so I packaged it in cardboard this time, and let’s hope it survives the return trip!

I picked up Bobby at 3 pm at the bus stop. He told me that Edwin is his friend from school and they sit together and chat on the bus ride home. Bobby also told me that his best friend in school is Katie. She got to know her on the first day of Grade #1 in which she helped him get acquainted.

My wife took Katie to the orthodontist this afternoon. She told them that we are moving to Katie and they set up another appointment for Katie just before we leave in mid-May.