Day #5224 (Thu., Apr. 25, 2024) – Move Date Confirm

Both kids are home sick today.

I made a trip to Aldi for groceries this afternoon. Katie wanted some of the low calorie popsicles I picked up the last time I was there, but they were out, so I got the substitute you can see in the photo to the right. Bobby wanted whipped cream and pancakes.

We got confirmation that the moving truck will be here on Thursday, May 8th. They will be loading up on the 8th and the 9th. We were hoping to delay it for a bit later on in the month, but they are pretty fixed on this date. We will be eating off “paper plates” for a while.

My wife and Bobby have decided to switch room as he needs more room to play with his toys and my wife’s office will be on the desk in the kitchen downstairs. Bobby will now have the great view of the mountains and the glacier.