Day #5266 – (Thu., June 6, 2024) – Axe Training
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I just finished my first night’s sleep in the suite above the barn, which we will call the “Barn Suite”. What a great sleep! Nice to have my bed back, or my mattress I should say. I think we have a faulty rooster, it didn’t crow, or at least I didn’t hear it, this morning.
The TELUS internet guy came at 9 am this morning. By this afternoon we had high speed internet access. I celebrated by starting to watch the first episode of the Soprano series again! Had to use a VPN so that I could connect to HBOMax in the US. They haven’t migrated to Canada yet.

I went to McDonalds this morning to pick up breakfast for the family! Before I picked up the McDonald’s food I stopped off at Dollarama to pick up a large plate, small plate, mug, bowl, knife, spoon, and fork. That’s all I need for my daily eating needs in the suite in the barn. There was a “Hippie Car” out front of the Dollarama (see photo to the right)!
Regarding the McDonald’s food, everyone but mom was hungry, who was up early and already ate. Bobby had the Egg McMuffin, Katie had the Sausage McMuffin, and I had an egg & meat on a bagel deal (not sure the name). I also had some pancakes, which was not a good choice as I was off into “La La Land” right after having them. I remember my friend Terry telling me that pancakes always made him sleepy as well. I had a nap on my wife’s bed before migrating over the my bed in the barn.

This afternoon Katie and my wife went “Thrifting”. I played “Rocket Balloons” in the pasture with Bobby and showed him how to chop wood with an axe. Maple got a great workout as I would throw the ball far enough that it would go through the fence. She would run up to the fence, realize that she could not get it, and go back to the gate and down the drive to get it. Such a long distance to get the ball and was she ever tired by the end of our session. She actually beat me to the bathroom to drink water out of the toilet!
This evening we had a family meal of Greek gyros on the table in on the patio. Katie got some Lyndell chocolates for us to try.
Katie picked up a small cat tree for her bedroom for Batman to enjoy (see photo to the left).
I finished off Soprano’s Season #1, Episode #1 as I drifted off to sleep in my bed in the barn!