Day #5286 – (Wed., June 26, 2024) – Van Inspection!

My wife took Katie to the orthodontist this morning and her teeth have been hurting her all day as a result. Bobby spent some time this morning doing math, associative and distributive properties. This afternoon he organized his room, hung a few pictures, and put a rug on the floor (see photo to the left).

This afternoon I had a meeting at Canadian Tire to have the van inspected so that it can be driven on Canadian roads. Before that I stopped off at Best Buy to see if they could get my Amazon Fire 10 to display on a monitor. As it turns out, they could not. It looks like this capability is not on this particular make/model.

The appointment at Canadian Tire took about 90 minutes. After dropping the van off I walked around the store looking at the adult trikes. They have one on display, but unfortunately it was on top of a rack and I could not sit on it and see how comfortable it was.

Next up was the Driftwood Mall, and I walked the length of it. Past Coles, Canada’s version of Barnes & Nobles, and down to Quality Foods. While at Quality Foods I had lunch in the coffee shop on the second floor. It was actually closed when I arrived just before 4 pm, but the lady served me nonetheless. I had a turkey & avocado sandwich that she made herself, a butter tart, and a cup of coffee. I sat on the comfortable seats near the window overlooking the grocery story.

2024-06-26 - Maple

The van passed inspection but I need to go back next week and get some lights installed. These are required for vehicles to pass BC inspection… Almost $500… I’m not sure why they are not mandatory in the US?

Next up, Boba Tea for Katie and Bobby at Boba Island, then milk at Quality Foods for the wife. Bobby thought he would try a banana Boba this time, but really didn’t care for it. While at Quality Foods I met Maurene, and we talked for a bit. She said that we are going to love it here, and I told her that we already do.

Maple is adjusting well to the new home (see photo to the right)!

We are still missing two boxes from our “move” to Courtenay. Lorraine, our contact with the moving company is trying to locate them for us. They could be almost anywhere between Chapel Hill and Courtenay! What an expensive disaster this has been…and we had to pay for it!

Incidentally, today was the first day since we arrived in Courtenay in which it rained all day!