Day #5318 – (Sun., July 28, 2024) – Vampire Prince!

Katie is continuing to work on her “Vampire Prince” graphic novel. The photo to the right shows her current design for the prince, and three of his outfits.

The plot currently revolves around him and his sister decided who should sit on the throne when their time comes. I was telling Katie she could have say four or five seasons of this show and then in the start of season six it turns out the previous five seasons were just a dream from a werewolf who just woke up. Season six could revolve around the werewolf incorporating what he learned in this dream into his own circumstances… Just an idea…it’s her graphic novel to do with how she chooses.

We have two contractors coming on Tuesday! One will be coming in the morning to give us an estimate on automating the gate at the entrance to the property. Another contractor will be coming in the afternoon to give an estimate on insulating the garage.

My wife and I took the kids to Wendy’s for lunch today. I had two plain baked potatoes. My wife had a baked potato with a bowl of chili. Katie had a small fries with a large fruit punch. Bobby wanted a large fries with a fruit punch, so I just got an extra large fries and had her exchange the fries that came in his cheeseburger happy meal. Problem solved!

After lunch we drove to “Goose Spit”. There was a guy out there wind surfing. You can see the kids enjoying the view in the photo to the left. Katie picked up a number of pieces of rocks and driftwood. Very nice pieces I might add. It will be nice to have a workshop so that we can actually do something with stuff like this…

No news from Brodie and family. Maybe they are not too interested in having contact with Bobby since he mentioned he wasn’t too into school during their last meeting. Brodie really likes school!