Day #5329 – (Thu., Aug. 8, 2024) – Kids Assemble Furniture!

My wife was thinking of taking the kids tubing today, but she sprained a ligament or muscle under her knee while taking Maple out for a walk last night, so it was a “no go” today. Instead, she and the kids spent time doing things around the house. For example, baking cookies, and assembling furniture (see photo to the left). She dictated and the kids did the work.

We still have a few days left to get the “goods” out of the garage before Anthony and his help arrive on Tuesday to insulate and drywall the garage. It shouldn’t be too bad once the shelving units have been dealt with.

I spent a lot of time this afternoon creating a magnetic Roblox background (see photo to the right) for the clay figures I plan to make with Bobby. The two main ingredients are a sheet metal plate with a poster size photo from Staples. If all goes well, building Roblox clay figures, putting a magnet on the back of them, and attaching them to this background is something that Bobby and I can do together. Once we’ve had our fun making it, Bobby can take it for his room. We’ll see how it goes.

I started to mow our main pasture area this evening. It sure needed it! I did half this evening and the plan is to finish it off tomorrow evening. It’s just too hot to do work like this during the middle of the day.