Day #5332 – (Sun., Aug. 11, 2024) – COSTCO Gas!

I left my Roblox clay figures out on the patio of the “Barn Suite” today to let them dry. I thought the sun would do them good.

My wife and I went to COSTCO this afternoon and picked up about $800 worth of groceries (see photo to the left). Almost everything we bought was food or food related, but we did get some storage containers and 9 volt batteries.

While we were gone Katie and Bobby cleaned up the house.

When we got home I saw that the gas gauge on the van was low, so I drove back to COSTCO to fill up the van. As you can see in the photo to the right, the total charge was $114.22! Ouch! On the way home I stopped by Petro Canada to take a photo of their pump prices so that I could compare. You can see the Petro Canada gas prices at the bottom of this photo. So, let’s compare and see if COSTCO gas really is that much cheaper!

My receipt tells me that the gas I picked up at COSTCO was $1.699 per liter. As you can see in the photo to the right, the equivalent Petro Canada gas was $1.739 per liter. Since I got 67.23 liters, I saved $2.69 by going to COSTCO. This is good to know! Every time I go to COSTCO as opposed to another gas station to fill the van up, I will save $2.69… Not enough to become a millionaire, but nothing to sneeze at either. Every penny counts.

The wife and kids played the “Survivor” board game that Maureen left behind later this afternoon.

I gave my wife my old Galaxy Android Phone so that she can install the Telus Health app for her and the kids.

The contents of the garage have now been moved out of the main area and into storage location. We’re now ready for Anthony and the crew to show up on Tuesday to start installing the insulation.