Day #5337 – (Fri., Aug. 16, 2024) – Fossil Hunting
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The drywall, insulation, and other supplies arrived this morning via truck. The garage door people showed up a bit later on and removed the garage doors and laid them in a stack on the side of the garage.
Anthony showed up by himself a bit later and as it turns out was the only member of his crew to show up today… I was quite surprised that he was able to insulate the garage all by himself. He worked all day and managed to put all the insulation in the garage by quitting time. There are still a few holes that need to be plugged here and there, but it’s pretty much an insulated garage now.
Anthony said that he knows of someone who is willing to paint our garage. I was thinking of doing it myself, but the more I think of it I will just get someone else to do it. They will have it down in about two days, and then Anthony can put all the finishing touches to the electrical outlets and it will be done! Ready to buy tools and move them in!
My wife took the kids on a 9 am fossil hunting expedition to the Trent River organized by the “Courtenay and District Museum and Paleontology Centre”. They were hoping to be able to go on the afternoon expedition but it was full. Maybe a lot of paleontologists are late sleepers like Katie? They found a number of interesting fossils, (see photo to the right) and were back around noon. Bobby found a fish scale!
We have a crab apple tree on our property that is starting to blossom with a lot of fruit (see photo to the left). When I was growing up people thought that they were a bit too tart to eat, but the kids loved them! I guess with all this sour gummies and other candies abounding these days taste buds have changed. Like my wife said, they are kind of like a sour Granny Smith apple. She plans to use the Instant Pot on slow cooker mode and make some “Crab Apple Butter”.
My wife introduced herself and family on a Facebook group and a couple of people responded, one with a girl Bobby’s age and another with a boy his age. Plans are to have a play date at some park in the future so that they can get acquainted.
Katie and my wife have been watching reruns of “The Office” (American Version) as of late in the television area off the kitchen. Bobby is eager to get to burning wood in the stove. I told him that he had better sharpen up on his axe skills are we are going to need a lot of wood to feed it.