Day #556 (Wed., July 13, 2011) – More Oswald Please…

Katie came to see me this morning and is the norm threw the remote control at me and said “Op”. I think this is her generic command for “cartoon” so I proceeded to turn “Obie” on. She replied “No, No, No”, so I tried “Looney Tunes”. When this didn’t work I put on “Oswald” and she was fine. She scooted into my lap and sat down for a nice little session of cartooning.

2011-07-13 - Neighbor's Sculpture
2011-07-13 - Neighbor's Sculpture

This evening my wife went to see her faculty adviser so I entertained Katie. We played a bit and watched a bit of television. I had to refresh her juice cup and change her diaper, but the time went pretty quickly.

This evening I happened to catch Katie munching on her green crayon. By the time I saw her she had green teeth and a little drool of green spit rolling down her lip. Delish?

My wife has thesis work to do so I took Katie for a quick run around the neighborhood this evening. We didn’t stay out too long…the bugs and black flies started to eat us. Katie did have enough time to collect some rocks and arrange them on the side of the road mind you. In the photo to the right you can see her roaming around our neighbor’s cat sculpture.

My wife lowered the leg area of the high chair this evening so Katie can now eat like a big person. She loved her new found leg freedom and was kicking her legs up and down in delight. What a racket…let’s hope she gets over this little activity soon…

1) Katie sure loves to munch on her crayons.