Why The Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo May Be The Best Toy You Ever Buy!

In this article I will be writing a review of the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo and why I feel that it might be the best toy or contraption we ever purchased for Katie. It is going to be a long article with photos and videos and lots of information, so please be patient. This is just the “stub” of the article for now, but we will be adding more and more information as time permits. In the end we hope to go to where no jumperoo reviews have gone before… 🙂

Since this review is going to be rather in-depth I’ve decided to create a table of contents so you will be able to access the various parts easier. Here’s the breakdown. Click on the topic and you will be taken directly to the appropriate section.

Table of Contents – Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo

1. An Introduction To The Fisher Price Jumperoo
2. The Basics Of The Fisherprice Jumperoo
3. Baby Jumperoo Gadgets
4. Jumperoo Fisher Price “Fun”
5. The Jumperoo Rainforest “Freedom”
6. Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Best Price

1. An Introduction To The Fisher Price Jumperoo

Fisherprice Jumperoo (2010-04-09)
Fisherprice Jumperoo (2010-04-09)

Katie is our first child. As a result we had to learn a lot of what we know now “on the job” as they say. When babies are real young they are pretty much “immobile” and you have to do a lot of things for them. First they will lie on their backs and explore the world around them. When you pick them up you have to hold their heads as their neck muscles are not strong enough to support it. Before you know it they will have worked their way over to their tummies.

At some point they will want to be more mobile, but their legs are not strong enough to support them. They have not learned to crawl yet, but they still want to explore the world around them and have a bit of fun. This is where this great little invention called the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo enters into the equation. Take a look at the picture to the right. This shows a fully assembled version with all the “bells and whistles” as they say (baby not included).

The operation of the device is pretty simple… Place your baby into the center of the device by inserting his/her legs into two holes made specifically for that purpose. There is no need for any additional straps or any sort of other containment device as your baby’s weight will keep them positioned securely into place. The following video shows what it looks like when your baby has been positioned properly. Pretty secure don’t you think?

This video was taken when Katie was first introduced to the jumperoo so she is not really sure “what’s up” just yet (as you can probably tell from the first few seconds). If you wait til the end of the video you will see a bit more action and how your baby’s simple movements can start the “sounds and lights and music” to going…

2. The Basics Of The Fisherprice Jumperoo

Even though we love the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo it is not for everyone. Before you plop down some well earned $ for one keep this in mind. For instance, the child needs to be able to hold his or her head up unassisted. There is no support for the neck or the head on the jumperoo. The child must not be able to climb out of it as, well, this is just not safe. The weight capacity for the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo is 25 lbs, so keep this in mind. The maximum height of the unit is 32 inches, and it requires three “AA” batteries (not included). You’ll also need a screwdriver to remove the battery cover.

Something else to consider is the height of the child. It will be perfect for most babies, but sometimes their feet will not be able to touch the ground. This was the case with our Katie. The solution is rather simple, as you will be able to see in the following video. Just get some boards or a phone book to put underneath their legs. We chose a series of thin boards as we could just remove one or two as she grew in length. We also opted to put a small carpet sample on top of these boards so that her feet would have some “grip” as she bounced up and down. You can see one of these boards in the following video. To see this “carpet sample” take a look at the previous video.

Now with the basics out of the way lets look at some of the actual features of this “beauty” of a product…

1) The Fisher Price Rain Forest Jumperoo has a soft rotating seat with covers on the springs so that baby will not pinch their fingers. At first it might be a bit difficult to get your baby to extend their feet to go into the holes for their legs, but once they get the hang of it they will be more than willing to cooperate. After all…it’s funtime for them…

2) It comes with a three-position height adjustment to accommodate your child as he/she grows in height. As I already mentioned, you can “fine tune” this a bit further via boards or phone books, etc. under their feet.

3) The seating on the fisherprice rainforest jumperoo is easily rotated for a full 360 degree turn. This means that your baby can explore and play with all the surrounding toys and attachments.

3. Baby Jumperoo Gadgets

Let’s face it, the main reason you will want a rain forest jumperoo is for the “jumping” ability, but there is much more to offer. Let’s explore some of the various “gadgets” that surround the perimeter of the jumperoo itself. Your child will spend many hours in having fun with them so it’s only natural that we give you a bit of a guided tour if you will.

Let’s start off by just listing them, okay?
A) Bobbling elephant.
B) Parrot hanging from a bead bar.
C) Monkey swinging from a vine.
D) Beads rattle.
E) Tethered “bug” chew toy.
F) Sun rattle.
G) Tiger that plays “hide and seek”.
H) Color wheel.
I) Overhanging parrot.
J) Overhanging frog.

Jumperoo Fisher Price - Console (2010-04-15)
Jumperoo Fisher Price – Console (2010-04-15)

Now let’s delve into these various “gadgets” in further detail. The first three mentioned, namely the (A) Bobbling elephant, the (B) Parrot hanging from the bead bar, and the (C) Monkey swinging from a vine are positioned directly over the music console and on/off switch (see photo to the right). They are all of a different color that will help stimulate your babies sense of color (i.e.: blue elephant, red parrot and yellow monkey). They are all made from smooth plastic with unique shapes and your baby will enjoy running his/her fingers along the contours.

We mentioned that these three “gadgets” are in front of the music console so let’s take some time to talk a bit about its features. There is an on/off switch if it gets so you just want some silence. Let’s face it, babies love routine and if they find sounds they like they will play them over, and over, and over, and (well, you get the idea). The sounds and music of the fisher price jumperoo are really not that bad. I don’t think we ever turned it to the “off” position except when we were changing the batteries or packing it up.

Jumperoo Baby - Beads Rattle (2010-04-25)
Jumperoo Baby – Beads Rattle (2010-04-25)

The neat thing is that the Fisher Price Rain Forest Jumperoo has a “motion detector”, so you can set the music and sounds to come on when your baby is jumping up and down. This will give them a sense of “empowerment”. In this wild world in which they find themselves, where almost nothing is under their control, this aspect of life is. Judging from the look on their face they seem to enjoy that.

We now come to the two “gadgets” that our Katie just loved. One of these is the “D) Beads rattle” (see closeup photo to the left). If you would like a bit of action you can see her enjoying this gadget in the following video. As you can tell she was still very young at this stage.

Who knows what goes through the mind of a child. Perhaps it is the unique colors. Perhaps it’s the way that the beads all jingle and jumble around when she turns the outer clear plastic container. Perhaps it’s the “rattling” sound that tickles her fancy. Who knows. The end result is that after she tired herself out from all that jumping up and down she enjoyed playing with this gadget the most.

Fisherprice Rainforest Jumperoo - Tethered Bug Chew Toy (2010-06-09)
Fisherprice Rainforest Jumperoo – Tethered Bug Chew Toy (2010-06-09)

Oh, and let’s certainly not forget the “E) Tethered ‘bug’ chew toy” (see photo to the left). This little gadget just limps over the side of the jumperoo and we thought at first something was missing or it was perhaps broken. After all, why would it just “limp” over the side of the jumperoo? No matter, it turns out it was a great design.

Fisher price must have done a lot of research on this little gem of a chew toy. Once Katie was able to grab ahold of it she was off to the races. She loved to reach for it then “find it” and pull it close to her mouth. Then the fun was to begin. This plastic bug has soft cloth wings that she loved to munch on. They don’t make any particular sound as some toy bug wings make, but they must be tasty. When Katie was teething we would look over and sure enough these bug wings were in her mouth to soothe and comfort her. It’s kind of disgusting but the wings were usually dripping with Katie’s saliva…she loved this chew toy so much… 🙂 The good news is that you could easily unscrew it to give it a good washing when needed.

Fisher Price Jumperoo - Color Wheel (201-04-25)
Fisher Price Jumperoo – Color Wheel (201-04-25)
Baby Jumperoo - Sun Rattle And Tiger (2010-04-25)
Baby Jumperoo – Sun Rattle And Tiger (2010-04-25)

The next three “gadgets” were not utilized by Katie very much. They are the: “F) Sun rattle”, “G) Tiger that plays ‘hide and seek'”, and the “H) Color wheel” (see photos to the right).

I can see where the sun rattle and color wheel would be interesting to some babies, but they were not Katie’s favorites. We could never really figure out the hows and whys of the tiger that plays hide and seek. I can see where an older child might find this amusing, but it was a bit too difficult for Katie to push the lever and get the tiger to pop up and down. Maybe an adult is supposed to do this for them? Now we would take the time to show Katie how they worked and she would stare and observe, but once we left her alone she would go back to the blue spinner and the tethered bug. To each their own…

Jumperoo For Babies - Overhanging Parrot (2010-04-25)
Jumperoo For Babies – Overhanging Parrot (2010-04-25)
Cheap Rainforest Jumperoo - Overhanging Frog (2010-04-25)
Cheap Rainforest Jumperoo – Overhanging Frog (2010-04-25)

The last two “gadgets” we listed, the “I) Overhanging parrot” and the “J) Overhanging frog” (see photos to the left) were not of much interest to Katie until she got older. Perhaps she was too interested to see what was to the front and sides of her and what was hanging overhead was not of much interest. Once she did get the “hankering” for them she would enjoy grabbing for them and “sampling” them with her taste buds.

In closing this “gadgets” section for now I’m reminded of what one lady wrote about the “tethered bug”. She said that she could not understand what the purpose of it was and that her baby would just ignore it. Well, from the description I’ve listed above I can tell her what its purpose is… 🙂 I suppose that Katie felt the same about the “F) Sun rattle”, “G) Tiger that plays ‘hide and seek'”, and the “H) Color wheel”… 🙂 I guess that this just highlights how babies are different. What “tickles” one’s fancy will not “tickle” the others. This is where the great variety of gadgets on the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo comes in to play. There is surely something that your baby will just love!

4. Jumperoo Fisher Price “Fun”

So, now that we have all this “this” and “thats” and the “gadgets” and “specs” out of the way let’s wrap it up all in terms of one word “fun”. Your baby will have tons of fun with this product. And not only fun, this product will encourage healthy development of your child. Consider the following…

A) All this moving and spinning and jumping around will enhance the large motor skills in your baby. Their feet and legs will get stronger and stronger and they will strengthen their waist muscles as they turn about.

B) All the various gadget shapes and textures will provide “tactile stimulation” (the activation of the nerve signals beneath the skin’s surface).

C) The bright colors of the various aspects of the product and the engaging music will develop your child’s visual and auditory senses (i.e.: eyes and ears).

D) The built in “motion detector” ensures that your baby’s actions will make things happen. This will help them to understand the relationship between cause and effect and the fact that they DO have something within their control.

E) Your baby will have to reach and grasp for the various gadgets (i.e.: tethered bug or the overhanging parrot or frog) and this will develop their “hand-eye” coordination.

Your baby will have TONS of fun in this product and will develop at the same time. What’s not to love? They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so take a look at the following video. I cut this video short at about 4 seconds, but believe me it could have gone on and on…she was having that much fun!

5. The Jumperoo Rainforest “Freedom”

Up to this point we have been talking about the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo and what it will mean for your baby. Let’s turn our attention to what this great product will mean for you. Here’s what you get out of it…

1) It will free you up so that you can tend to your chores and still know that your child is safe and sound and having loads of fun.

2) What a great way for your baby to get some exercise and tire themselves out. They will “sleep like a baby” after this workout!

3) The music and sounds are pretty cool…like someone would play at a Caribbean restaurant. We know from first hand experience that some toys have such annoying sounds and music that you just want to turn the machine “off”. We never had this desire with the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo.

4) This toy is easy to move around and store. The frame pivots to a nested position so that it can be tucked away when not in use. It folds so you can carry it from room to room. As it is not a doorway jumperoo no doorway is required…you can use it almost anywhere. Some injuries and mishaps from jumping into the door frames on the “doorframe units” so that is another advantage with the Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo.

6. Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Best Price

So, as you can probably tell, we love our Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo. LOVE it! If you are interested in getting one of these great little devices for your child let us provide you with some ordering information. We have all heard of “horror stories” of purchasing products online. Some retailers are more interested in “making a buck” rather than serving you…the customer.

Let us start this section by giving you our honest opinion regarding purchasing a product such as this. When looking for an infant jumperoo or a jumperoo for babies we know that price is important. Want ads will often have a jumperoo for sale but we caution you against getting a used jumperoo. The cheapest jumperoo out there may in fact be a second hand jumperoo, but it might not be the cheapest jumperoo in the long run because it is just not safe. Why do we say that? Perhaps it was broken or worn down by the previous owner…and how would you ever know? We have done our homework and think that the ” Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Best Price ” is from Amazon, as you are not only getting a new jumperoo at a great price, but it comes with a guarantee as well. That is what we are suggesting for viewers of this rainforest jumperoo review. They have a jumperoo sale from time-to-time and you can pick up that Fisherprice Rainforest Jumperoo at a great price that your baby will love! You can check out their great prices via this Amazon link!

In addition to Amazon, both of the following retailers are well respected in the industry and you can rest assured that you will be purchasing a great product from some great people at a wonderful company.

Babies1st - Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Walker
Babies1st – Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Walker

1) One of our favored retailers that you may want to consider for your
Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo Walker
is Babies1st.com. Unlike many online retailers they have an actual “physical store” that you can visit. If you are in the Greater Washington and Baltimore metropolitan areas they are centrally located in Columbia, Maryland minutes off I95 and route 29.

They have great customer service and they are available to help you with any of your questions, problems, suggestions and/or concerns. Representatives are available by phone Monday through Thursday from 10am – 5pm EST and Friday from 10:am – 2:pm. You can also reach them via email if you prefer. You can’t go wrong with Babies1st.com

MyStrollers.com - Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo
MyStrollers.com – Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo

2) Another great place to get your
Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo
is MyStrollers.com . They are a pioneering retailer of Baby Items located in Brooklyn, New York. They have been top-rated by THE authority in expert consumer advice as a top shopping destination for consumer baby items.

They have a “super quick” turn around time…most orders are processed and shipped within 24-72 hours, and often a lot quicker. Due to their large sales volume they are able to pass their quantity buying prices on to you, the consumer. You can’t go wrong with MyStrollers.com

Get a Fisher Price Rainforest Jumperoo…you can’t go wrong!

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