Day #598 (Wed., Aug 24, 2011) – Number 8 Fridge Magnets
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Katie slept through the night last night…glory be. Life is so much easier for us when she lets mommy and daddy rest.

Katie scraped herself along her tummy on our old coffee table, so I took out an exacto-knife and cut off the trim. You can see the finished result in the photo to the right.
Katie has two plastic bowls and she organizes her crayons and fridge letter magnets in them. My mother-in-law was trying to explain that you put the crayons in one and the magnets in the other. Katie responded by putting some cheerios in both of them.
My wife told me that Katie took a couple of fridge number magnets to her and said “eight”. Of course they were both number 8 magnets. Boy this girl is smart!
This evening my mother-in-law and I went to the park in Bond Park again. My mother-in-law got to meet two ladies who spoke Russian. One was from Latvia and the other was from the Ukraine. She had fun talking to them while I tended to Katie..most of the time on the swing.
1) Katie can recognize the number 8.