Day #691 (Fri., Nov 25, 2011) – Trimming The Christmas Tree

Katie’s cough is getting a bit softer…so she is hopefully getting better. She has no fever or other signs of illness, so hopefully she will be better soon. My wife and I were saying it is too bad she can’t cough it up. Funny, she spits up a lot of the other things we give her…milk from her bottle and food bits here and there….

We put Katie to bed for a nap but she was up soon after. She starts to cough and this wakes her up. We decided that we would take her for a drive as perhaps sitting up in the car seat will help her to fall asleep. As I was going down the stairs I said “Let’s go Katie”. She replied “I’m coming”…

We ended up getting a couple of Pepperment Mocha Coffees at McDonalds (to help keep us awake…they had a 2 for 1 special) and then driving to Durham. We drove around the Durham Bulls Stadium, then to South Point, and then home. Katie slept for about 20 minutes, then up…so not a very good exercise from the point of her having loads of sleep.

2011-11-25 - Christmas Tree
2011-11-25 - Christmas Tree

It’s 6pm and my wife is putting decorations on the Christmas tree (see photo to the right). Katie, ever fascinated with new things, is taking them off the tree almost as quickly as my wife can put them on. She will then bring them to me to show me what she has, then take them to mommy so mommy can put them on the tree. Kind of like a government make work project.

I came up with an idea for a “Child-Proof” Christmas Tree. The bottom portion would be on an electrical winch system where the bottom branches would rise as a child approached it. When the child went away, the winch would bring the branches back down to floor level again. In this way the ornaments would be out of reach of the child. Maybe have some sort of a sensor where if any creature (i.e.: child, dog, cat, etc.) under a certain height started to approach the tree the system would spring into action. Of course since adults are taller than this height it would not affect the winch system and the bottom branches would stay in place…close to the floor. Sure would make trimming the tree with toddlers around all that much easier….

Katie was not feeling any better this evening so I went to Rite-Aid to pick up some supplies. Here’s what my wife had me pick up:

1) Mucinex For Kids. I tried to get some flavor other than cherry as she doesn’t seem to like this taste, but none was available. Cherry it is.
2) Vicks Rub for Babies.
3) Triple Antibiotic Ointment. I got two large tubes as this stuff never seems to be around when you need it.
4) Orange Juice…as natural as possible.
5) Black thread. To secure those Christmas ornaments on the tree that Katie loves to take off so much.

We decided that we would take turns through the night to tend to Katie.

1) Katie loves pulling the ornaments off the Christmas tree.