Day #3630 (Sat., Dec. 14, 2019) – 1st Day of Christmas

The Chapel Hill Christmas Parade was this morning. My wife took the kids to it. I dropped them off at Rosemary Street and picked them up about an hour later as parking is always an issue downtown. The kids were at the front of the parade and got lots of candy and a large cookie…

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Day #3629 (Fri., Dec. 13, 2019) – Prep Day

The photo to the right shows our new “Bozo The Clown Punching Bag”. Today is prep day for start of the “Days of Christmas”, which will start tomorrow. I went to Trader Joe’s this evening and picked up a cookie decorating kit, which will be the highlight of the First Day Of Christmas. Delaney is…

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Day #3628 (Thu., Dec. 12, 2019) – Bozo The Clown

The photo to the left shows the little jeep that came from a dinosaur playset that we bought for Bobby a while back. It was in the box that my wife brought from the attic. Kind of nostalgic for Bobby, he’s been playing with it non-stop. The Bozo The Clown inflatable punching bag came in…

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Day #3627 (Wed., Dec. 11, 2019) – Daddy/Son Day

Since we still don’t have my Camry back I took the van and dropped Katie and my wife off at UNC for Katie’s dentist appointment. I then took Bobby to preschool. My wife is taking Katie to UNC for an evaluation to see if their dentist can work on her teeth and we get a…

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