Day #3314 (Fri., Feb. 1, 2019) – “Chomps” Market

They had a “Chomps” market at Katie’s school today. This is the day where they buy and sell “Chomps”…the little reward they get for good efforts at school. I dropped Bobby off at school this morning. It’s easy to get him ready for school on Friday’s as it’s the day in which his class joins…

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Day #3313 (Thu., Jan. 31, 2019) – Favorite School Shirt Day

Today is “Favorite School Shirt” Day at Glenwood. Katie wore her UNC shirt. Bobby woke up at 9:30 am this morning. This boy’s sleeping habits are all over the place. He was balancing on the big box of Legos this morning and accidentally knocked them over. What a mess. I had a hard time getting…

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Day #3312 (Wed., Jan. 30, 2019) – “Super Hero” Day

Today is “Superhero Day” at Katie’s school. This is the day in which they wear superhero costumes. Katie wore her “Wonder Woman” outfit. It was a bit dirty, as my wife showed me, but she will be able to wear her coat over it. We’re so busy these days it’s hard to clean everything as…

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Day #3311 (Tue., Jan. 29, 2019) – Winter According To Humphrey

Both Katie and Bobby are home today. Bobby has no school on Tuesday and Katie is sick. My wife went to work. Katie loves to read. She told me on the last Daddy/Daughter Day that she will read most anything. The photo to the right shows a book that she loves… “Winter According To Humphrey”.…

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