Day #3306 (Thu., Jan. 24, 2019) – Helen’s Last Year At Glenwood

I thought Bobby might want to go to the park or the mall today but he wanted to go to have a Daddy/Son Day at the Dollar Store and McDonald’s instead.  When I told him that this was only once a month he got upset and just wanted to stay home.  Oh well, it’s raining…

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Day #3305 (Wed., Jan. 23, 2019) – Mattie Throws Up

The sign to the right is kind of interesting… Trader Joe’s highlighting some of the “hot food” they offer… My wife dropped Bobby off at school this morning and I picked him up afterwards. As soon as saw me he told me that he wanted to go play behind the school. The teacher laughed and…

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Day #3304 (Tue., Jan. 22, 2019) – Homemade Play Doh

Bobby was up early this morning and went to bed for his nap by 11:15 am. He didn’t seem too interested in going to the park or anything, so we stayed home. We made homemade “no bake” Play Doh. Bobby has been asking for some. Well, we buy a lot of the stuff but he…

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Day #3303 (Mon., Jan. 21, 2019) – MLK Day

It’s MLK (i.e.: Martin Luther King) Day here in the US. My wife and Katie and I, of course, got the day off. Bobby had preschool for some reason. My wife took him to school this morning with Katie in tow so that she could see her former teachers. They went to Trader Joe’s for…

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