Day #4381 (Mon., Jan. 3, 2022) – Dusting Of Snow

No snow and ice early this morning, so my wife took Katie to the orthodontist.  There was a light dusting of snow that came around noon, but they were back home by then. It turned cold this afternoon.  I guess the wonderful warm days that we have had for the past week or so are…

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Day #4380 (Sun., Jan. 2, 2022) – Pot of Gold Chocolates

Bobby hit Katie this morning, so no computer for him today. He went to his room crying and actually fell asleep crying. He must have been tired. I wonder if he gets up and roams around in the middle of the night? Harris-Teeter and Trader Joe’s this afternoon as bad weather is forecast for tomorrow.…

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Day #4379 (Sat., Jan. 1, 2022) – Paper Battleship Game

The weather today was beautiful and warm. What a great way to usher in the New Year. My wife took the kids to Glenwood to play with Ethan Johnston. It’s supposed to be rainy tomorrow, with a chance of snow on Monday, so time to enjoy the weather while it lasts. Katie was having a…

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Day #4378 (Fri., Dec. 31, 2021) – New Years Eve

The kids had a playdate over at Dylan’s house today. We told Bobby to behave himself of his sister would call my mom and she would come and get him. As a result, he was on best behavior. So, there was Dylan and his sister Cara, Dylan’s school friend Carson, and Katie and Bobby. They…

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