Category: 12th Year (2021)
12th Year (2021)
Day #4341 (Wed., Nov. 24, 2021) – Bobby’s Advent Calendar
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I’m trying to find the PS2 games in the basement… I have the console, and the books, but not the games… While I didn’t find them this morning, I did find the Microsoft Flight Simulator 2000 program that I purchased over twenty years ago. I thought I would install it in my new DELL, and…
Read MoreDay #4340 (Tue., Nov. 23, 2021) – Trader Joe’s Turkey
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Bobby had his violin lesson this morning as Thursday is Thanksgiving and his teacher will be away. On the drive home he exclaimed how he enjoyed turkey on Thanksgiving, so… My wife went to Trader Joe’s around noon and picked up a turkey. They didn’t have gravy unfortunately. It was sure good to see some…
Read MoreDay #4339 (Mon., Nov. 22, 2021) – New Rug
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The kids are off school this week for Thanksgiving break. So Thanksgiving Day is Thursday, but we’re not sure if we are going to have a turkey or not. It looks like they might be out at Aldi (along with other Thanksgiving items), so we might have to dispense. It looks like Walmart has turkeys…but…
Read MoreDay #4338 (Sun., Nov. 21, 2021) – Labyrinth Movie
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We finished watching the “Labyrinth” movie this afternoon. It’s a mid-80s movie and you can sure see how technology has changed over the years. The green screen effects were horrible, and with no CGI they relied mostly on Jim Henson’s muppets. After the movie I showed Katie what David Bowie looked like back in his…
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