Day #4361 (Tue., Dec. 14, 2021) – Middle School Concert

My wife took Katie clothes shopping this morning. Katie has been looking forward to this for quite a while, not only to get out, but to get new clothes as well. I took the opportunity to have Daddy/Son Day #44 with Bobby. We drove out to Walmart near Pittsboro so he could pick up a…

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Day #4360 (Mon., Dec. 13, 2021) – New Braces?

Katie had an appointment with the orthodontist this morning to see if she needs to get permanent braces or not. They took x-rays of her mouth to determine this (see photo to the right). We will find out the results in a week or so. Once Katie came home we opened up the drawer for…

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Day #4359 (Sun., Dec. 12, 2021) – Asheville Zoo

We left for the Asheboro Zoo at 7:30 am this morning. The kids each had an iPad, in which my wife downloaded some movies for them to watch. This kept them entertained, although we had to ask Bobby to stop talking. Even when he has his earphones on, and there is nobody to talk to,…

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Day #4358 (Sat., Dec. 11, 2021) – Two Concerts

Two weeks from today the kids received their second COVID vaccine shot, so today, they can “officially” go out in public “without” worry… The kids had two concerts today. For starters, Bobby had a group class with his classmates (see photo to the left). This was the first time that she got to see the…

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