Day #4021 (Fri., Jan. 8, 2021) – Online Design Fashion Class

Katie taught Bobby how to play a little drum rift to accompany a piano piece that she is composing. It’s rather basic and simple, but we all have to start somewhere. Family band? We’ll see… I got out the rope that we purchased to secure the broken tree branch to our patio and the kids…

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Day #4020 (Thu., Jan. 7, 2021) – The Drum Kit

We put in another Aldi order this morning. The kids are really into the Aldi version of “Fruit Loops”. As Katie was having some this morning I mentioned “Eating healthy I see…”. She laughed. The drum kit has arrived (see photo to the left) and my wife spent a lot of time assembling it this…

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Day #4019 (Wed., Jan. 6, 2021) – Storming The Capitol

Bobby took a bath this afternoon. I have to make sure that I turn up the volume on the YouTube video of a “Howling Snowstorm” so that I can not hear the “monkeys in the jungle” noises he makes and take my nap. As you know, I rarely post photos of daily events in the…

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Day #4018 (Tue., Jan. 5, 2021) – Bobby’s Strong Reading

Bobby’s teacher is very impressed with his reading ability (see photo to the right). My wife told me that in today’s class Bobby learned where “Rice Pudding” comes from. Today is the day of the “Georgia Senate Run Off”. If the two Democrats win, they will control the Senate. (They did win). My wife ordered…

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