Day #4698 (Wed., Nov. 16, 2022) – “Hocker”

On the drive to Glenwood today Bobby made a very interesting statement.  He said, “You know, taking my iPad away was supposed to be a punishment, but it really is not”.  He is certainly less argumentative and stressed out now that he is not spending time on it.  Now we need to figure out how…

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Day #4697 (Tue., Nov. 15, 2022) – Both Kids Skate

I drove Bobby to Glenwood this morning.  On the way we talked about the various systems of a car, like the electrical system, the transmission system, the brake system, and the cooling system. I took both kids skating at the Hillsborough skating rink this evening.  Towards the end of the evening they each got more…

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Day #4696 (Mon., Nov. 14, 2022) – The Deep

The photo to the right shows the gallon milk jug game that Bobby and I made yesterday.  We spent more time making it than we actually did playing it… 🙂 I drove Bobby to Glenwood this morning.  It was rather chilly so I put the heater on.  Winter is here! Before I picked Bobby up…

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Day #4695 (Sun., Nov. 13, 2022) – Katie Goes Climbing!

It’s Tinsley’s Birthday today!  She invited Katie and a few friends to go to a climbing park in Raleigh (see photo to the left).  Katie told me that she was asked by Tinsley to sit in the middle of the van on the drive over. I stay home with Bobby today.  He wanted to go…

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