Day #4690 (Tue., Nov. 8, 2022) – Mid-Term Election Day

It’s mid-term election day here in the US, so the schools are closed as some of them will be used so people can vote. As a result, the kids are home again today. They seem to be home more days than at school this year, right? I had a game of “Cashflow For Kids” with…

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Day #4689 (Mon., Nov. 7, 2022) – Driving All Day

My wife set up a doctor’s appointment this afternoon for Bobby given the headache and how bad he felt last night.  This resulted in a long day of driving.  Here are the highlights: I drive the Camry and my wife drives the van to the doctor’s office at 1 pm so we can leave the…

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Day #4688 (Sun., Nov. 6, 2022) – Busking At Kipo’s

Bobby was looking for something to do this morning so he ended up blowing leaves off the patio with our leaf blower. We decided to try out busking again today and ended up at Aldi’s.  The kids got to try out the Santa hat and antlers that I picked up at the Dollar Store the…

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Day #4687 (Sat., Nov. 5, 2022) – JJ’s Birthday

My wife took the kids to their viola/violin class this morning.  Katie accompanied all the violin players on the viola.  They went to Subway afterwards. While the family was away I went through the boxes in the living room, throwing out stuff that we no longer need.  I did find the 8mm video tape I…

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