Day #4686 (Fri., Nov. 4, 2022) – The Drone Takes Flight

Bobby was well enough to go to school this morning.  On the way to Glenwood I gave him some “Candy Corn Flavored Twizzlers” to enjoy the drive.  He told me that the two people who sat at his purple table in Miss Washington’s English class are Anum & Lucia.  Anum is Indian and very nice. …

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Day #4685 (Thu., Nov. 3, 2022) – Cheese Lasagna

Both kids are home again today, but they both felt better by the PM.  My wife took them to the doctor this afternoon, but she said it’s something that would just have to run it’s course. Bobby and I played a game of Battleship this morning (see photo to the right).  The hardest part of…

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Day #4684 (Wed., Nov. 2, 2022) – Meat Lasagna

Both Katie and Bobby are home sick today.  We are close to using up our allotment of sick days at their schools for this year.  If that happens we will need to get notes from the doctor to prove to the school that they are indeed sick and not playing “hookey” (if they use that…

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Day #4683 (Tue., Nov. 1, 2022) – Two Step Problem

Bobby was not feeling well last night on the drive home from Glenwood, and then at bedtime last night, and then this morning, so we kept him home from school today.  He fell out of bed this morning and hit his head.  He said that the reason was because he was sleeping on the side…

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