Day #4682 (Mon., Oct. 31, 2022) – Halloween!

Today is a teacher/work day so the kids are off school.  My wife and I met with Bobby’s teachers at Glenwood this morning. This afternoon my wife had Chinese class, and after playing soccer in the front yard for a bit, the kids and I decided to go busking.  Katie was all for it but…

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Day #4681 (Sun., Oct. 30, 2022) – Busking!

The photos to the left show the two pumpkins that the kids carved yesterday.  The small one on top is Katie’s and the large one on the bottom is Bobby’s.  They each have a prominent place in their respective rooms. So today is the day that we did something we have been talking about for…

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Day #4680 (Sat., Oct. 29, 2022) – Pokemon Advent Calendar

My wife slept in this morning.  When she got up, she told me why…  She came out to the living room at 2:30 am and the lights were on and the tv was blaring.  She went looking for Bobby but could not find him.  She looked all over the house and started to panic when…

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Day #4679 (Fri., Oct. 28, 2022) – Glenwood Halloween Party

Bobby wore his Ninja Halloween Costume to Glenwood today as the kids were allowed to dress up.  They were not allowed to bring a mask though.  I suppose that Bobby could have worn his COVID face mask, but he doesn’t wear a face covering anymore since he has already had COVID. After dropping Bobby off…

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