Category: 13th Year (2022)
13th Year (2022)
Day #4730 (Sun., Dec. 18, 2022) – Bobby Swims!
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Bobby has been asking for the past few days to go to Homestead Pool for a swim, so I took him this afternoon. He swam and swam and swam for well over an hour (see photo to the left). When he came to me and said that he was hungry and wanted to go home,…
Read MoreDay #4729 (Sat., Dec. 17, 2022) – Violin/Viola Christmas Concert
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The kids had their concert at Miss Patricia’s house this morning (see photo to the left). Both Katie and Bobby did a great job, and we rewarded them with lunch out afterwards. Katie wanted Chick-Fil-A, so we stopped by to get her a meal, and then to Subway for a sub for Bobby. They couldn’t…
Read MoreDay #4728 (Fri., Dec. 16, 2022) – Last Day Of Class
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The kids were up early this morning and eager to go to school as it was the last day. I think back to my childhood and the last day of school before Christmas and the last day of school at the end of the year rivaled Christmas Day itself as the best day of the…
Read MoreDay #4727 (Thu., Dec. 15, 2022) – New Violin?
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I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning. It was cold and raining cats and dogs, they say very similar to the weather that exists in Victoria in November. Katie tweeted out this afternoon that her math grade was upgraded to 97 as she missed a number of assignments due to her being sick for…
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