Category: 13th Year (2022)
13th Year (2022)
Day #4718 (Tue., Dec. 6, 2022) – Bobby Hates Steak!
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Bobby is home sick again today. I wonder if we shouldn’t take him to a specialist? He seems to be off/on sick these days… This morning I fried up a piece of steak in the air fryer and gave Bobby a piece. He hated it. It’s so hard to figure out what he likes or…
Read MoreDay #4717 (Mon., Dec. 5, 2022) – Raid Commercial
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Both kids are back to school today. I had to take both of them as my wife had to rush off to UNC to take her Chinese exam. When I picked up Bobby this afternoon he told me that he had spaghetti for lunch. On the way home we got onto the subject of the…
Read MoreDay #4716 (Sun., Dec. 4, 2022) – South Point Mall
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My wife took the kids out to South Point Mall this morning. She had to return some clothes at a couple of the stores, so the kids went along to pick out some additional clothes for school. Katie got more than Bobby, but Bobby found some clothes items as well (see photo to the left).…
Read MoreDay #4715 (Sat., Dec. 3, 2022) – Making A Roblox Mask
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My wife woke me up this morning and said that she needed me to take them to the Christmas parade. Miserable weather, it was actually raining… I dropped them off, and went back after what seemed like only a few minutes… The parade was that short. The kids wanted McDonalds, so that was the next…
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