Day #5397 – (Tue., Oct. 15, 2024) – Timber Room Grille

Both kids are back at school today. My wife dropped Katie off, but Bobby happily drove his bike too (see photo to the right) and from school. I told my wife that driving my bike to and from school was one of the happiest moments of my childhood. You had a sense of power as…

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Day #5396 – (Mon., Oct. 14, 2024) – Canadian Thanksgiving Day!

It’s Canadian Thanksgiving Day today! It’s not the big extravaganza that the US Thanksgiving Day is, but a time to be thankful for all you have. It tends to revolve around the evening meal, rather than a long weekend of food, football, and shopping. Bobby and I took the garage out to the road as…

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Day #5395 – (Sun., Oct. 13, 2024) – Blowing Leaves!

Maple slept in Bobby’s room a bit last night, but wandered down to the main door in the middle of the night to wait for “mom” to return. Batman seems quite comfortable with me sleeping in Katie’s room though… Elon Musk’s Starship blasted off successfully early this morning, and this was the first time that…

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Day #5394 – (Sat., Oct. 12, 2024) – Cirque du Soleil

Bobby is in very independent mode today. I think he’s trying to show how grown up he is. He fed Batman and made himself breakfast. Maple wandered downstairs in the middle of the night to wait for mom to arrive home… We were out of milk so I wandered down to the “Great Canadian Superstore”…

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