Day #5465 – (Sun., Dec. 22, 2024) – Skiing Winter Wonderland!

Yesterday was the shortest day of the year. Starting from today, the days will be getting longer and longer. Do I feel much of a difference today? Nope… But I am hopeful. There is talk of the US getting rid of daylight savings time this year so we’ll see… My wife took the kids cross…

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Day #5464 – (Sat., Dec. 21, 2024) – Daisy’s Christmas Concert

Today is the shortest day of the year. Days will start to get longer with more light after today. I must say with the lack of sun, and all that rain, it makes for a lot of lazy sleeping days here in the Comox Valley! Daisy had a Christmas concert for all her viola and…

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Day #5463 – (Fri., Dec. 20, 2024) – Last Day Of School!

I picked up Bobby from school today, then Katie. Both kids are excited that this is the last day of school for a couple of weeks. Christmas/New Year break time! Bobby drew a picture of a chicken at school and my wife paid to have it made into some greeting cards (see photo to the…

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Day #5462 – (Thu., Dec. 19, 2024) – The Huband Christmas Concert

Katie has been playing chess in her “Board Game” class at school. I want to encourage her in this endeavor, so I’m going to take her out this weekend to pick out a chess set, whichever one she wants. There is a board game store next to Thrifty Foods so we might start there. The…

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