Day #5117 (Tue., Jan. 9, 2024) – Storm Pickup!

Katie is home sick today. My wife dropped Bobby off at Glenwood and then went to get a “root canal”. Fun, fun, fun… We have determined where all the dog hairs are coming from (see photo to the left). Maple loves to sleep on our clothes. A storm is coming, so the plan was to…

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Day #5116 (Mon., Jan. 8, 2024) – Harris Teeter Flowers & Vase

I dropped Bobby off at Glenwood this morning and then went to get my allergy shot. He likes to go to school early these days as this gives him more time to play on the computer before classes start for the day. Katie was not feeling well so she stayed at home. While I was…

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Day #5115 (Sun., Jan. 7, 2024) – Playdate With Lucia

Lucia came over at 1 pm this afternoon for a playdate with Bobby. They played outside for most of the time, and even had a picnic down by the creek. When I came back from my shopping at Aldi I gave them each a cinnamon roll (see photo to the right). They liked them so…

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Day #5114 (Sat., Jan. 6, 2024) – Ice Skating Lessons

It was a very rainy day today. We managed to escape the big snowstorm that they are getting just north of us. We took the kids to the Hillsborough Skating Rink this afternoon for ice skating class. Leah, Katie’s classmate, signed up for the class and was there as well. They learned to skate in…

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